Dear Sixth Class,
This time of the year is bittersweet for me. It’s time for me to say
goodbye to you all. I have enjoyed teaching each of you this year.
You were such a credit to your families and my job was
made easier by your cooperation and kindness.
We’ve had some great times together in Scoil Bhride ;
Split trousers, a very naughty elf, exploding basketballs,
Lost shepherds and funky angels at Christmas, Riverdance, some
serious attempts at Cartwheeling and a
Mexican stand off in the yard!
To mention a few of your antics!!
I always find it difficult to say goodbye but I know you will
do great things with your lives. I wish you all the very best
and thanks so much for the happy memories! Your families
should be so proud of the people you have become.
All of your teachers, past and present are sad to see you leave.
We will miss your vibrant personalities, your kindness and your
presence in Scoil Bhride.
Our door will always be open for you. We look forward to seeing you
call back (most likely on half day Fridays!!) in your new uniforms!
Take care and embrace every new challenge with enthusiasm and grace.
Go n-eiri an bothar libh,
Mrs Ginty, Mrs Fay, Mrs Coyne, Mrs O’Dowd, Mrs O’Neill, Siobhan and Bridie.
Sixth Class 2020
Sixth class 2020 will go down in history,
If you read the news you’ll know it’s no mystery,
Their last day of school was in March not June
Sixth class ended all too soon.
We were struck with a virus, some called it the flu,
The children discussed it in class, watched news reports too.
A far away city - Wuhan
And talk of a disease unknown to man.
But we in sixth class did not have a notion
That this disease would cause such a commotion.
Before we knew it the numbers we in
The Coronavirus was set to win.
On the 12th of March An Taoiseach Leo, made a speech,
‘Schools please close’................
When we first heard the news, we couldn’t hide the joy,
Cheers rang out from every girl and boy.
But after a while when the news sank in -
Everyone must stay in.
Sixth class homeschooling
No more fooling.
We haven’t been back to our school down the hill,
No vaccine has been found, not even a pill.
Sixth class have missed out on their final twelve weeks.
No tour, no tests, not even a sports day.
Just Lockdown till sometime in May.
I hope that it all improves a bit
Two meters from their friends sixth class will now sit.
I’ll miss the sixth class I taught this year
They were full of fun and good cheer.
But onto Secondary they must go
To gather more strings to add to their bow.
I wish you good luck in all you do
Good health and happiness and laughter too.
Remember to always spread your wings
You are all capable of AMAZING things.
Stay safe, be kind and work hard.