Sunday, 21 June 2020

Sixth Class - Farewell 😢

Dear Sixth Class,

This time of the year is bittersweet for me. It’s time for me to say
goodbye to you all. I have enjoyed teaching each of you this year.
You were such a credit to your families and my job was
made easier by your cooperation and kindness.
We’ve had some great times together in Scoil Bhride ;
Split trousers, a very naughty elf, exploding basketballs,
Lost shepherds and funky angels at Christmas, Riverdance, some
serious attempts at Cartwheeling  and a
Mexican stand off in the yard!
To mention a few of your antics!!

I always find it difficult to say goodbye but I know you will
do great things with your lives. I wish you all the very best
and thanks so much for the happy memories! Your families
should be so proud of the people you have become.

All of your teachers, past and present are sad to see you leave.
We will miss your vibrant personalities, your kindness and your
presence in Scoil Bhride.
Our door will always be open for you. We look forward to seeing you
call back (most likely on half day Fridays!!) in your new uniforms!

Take care and embrace every new challenge with enthusiasm and grace.

Go n-eiri an bothar libh,

Mrs Ginty, Mrs Fay, Mrs Coyne, Mrs O’Dowd, Mrs O’Neill, Siobhan and Bridie.

Sixth Class 2020

Sixth class 2020 will go down in history,
If you read the news you’ll know it’s no mystery,
Their last day of school was in March not June
Sixth class ended all too soon.

We were struck with a virus, some called it the flu,
The children discussed it in class, watched news reports too.
A far away city - Wuhan
And talk of a disease unknown to man.

But we in sixth class did not have a notion
That this disease would cause such a commotion.
Before we knew it the numbers we in
The Coronavirus was set to win.

On the 12th of March An Taoiseach Leo, made a speech,
‘Schools please close’................
When we first heard the news, we couldn’t hide the joy,
Cheers rang out from every girl and boy.

But after a while when the news sank in -
Everyone must stay in.
Sixth class homeschooling 
No more fooling.

We haven’t been back to our school down the hill,
No vaccine has been found, not even a pill.
Sixth class have missed out on their final twelve weeks.

No tour, no tests, not even a sports day.
Just Lockdown till sometime in May.
I hope that it all improves a bit
Two meters from their friends sixth class will now sit.

I’ll miss the sixth class I taught this year
They were full of fun and good cheer.
But onto Secondary they must go
To gather more strings to add to their bow.

I wish you good luck in all you do
Good health and happiness and laughter too.
Remember to always spread your wings
You are all capable of AMAZING things. 


Stay safe, be kind and work hard. 

Wednesday, 17 June 2020

Confirmation 2020

Great news 6th class

The Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated in St Brigid's Church Killeshandra,  on 

Saturday 22nd of August at 3 pm.

I would like to thank Fr Charlie for organising the date. 

We will up date you in the coming weeks with exact details. 

Sunday, 14 June 2020

Virtual School Tour 2020


Check out some of these ‘virtual school tours’ below. 
Of course they are not as much fun as the real thing 
but you may find them interesting all the same!


Our first trip is based on the first topic we studied in History this year.
We learned about Ancient Ireland and Ireland's First farmers.
During these times in Ireland the ancient people worshiped many Gods.
There were two main festivals.  The Winter Solstice and
The Summer Solstice. The Passage Tomb in
Newgrange is mainly associated with the
Winter Solstice (21st December every year)
This year, the Summer Solstice falls on Saturday 20th June
Summer solstice 2020 in Northern Hemisphere will be at 22:43
It is also know as the Longest Day of the Year.


Video links

Stonehenge and the Summer Solstice. 
(Challenge : Investigate Stonehenge in the UK)

Ten Facts about the Summer Solstice 


Next stop The Irish Emigration Museum in Dublin. 

At EPIC you’ll discover the far reaching influence of I
rish history, and the impact the 10 million Irish men and women 
who left Ireland had on the world.




We're going to visit The President of Ireland in 
his stately home, Aras an Uachtarain.

Here is a message from President of Ireland, Michael D Higgins, to sixth class pupils. 



Thursday, 11 June 2020

Graduation Songs : Playlist on Spotify

Some 'Graduation' Songs on Spotify Playlist : Graduation 2020

Summer Reading

Summer is a great time to catch up on reading.  It is really important to read as much as you can, especially as you get older. I've created a Padlet of some good books which you can borrow from the library, download or purchase in a bookshop. 


Sunday, 7 June 2020

Football Teams : Answers from Last Week

Can you name the Football Teams???


I hope the answers I have are correct !!

Distance Learning 8th - 12th June

Distance Learning 8th - 12th June

5th & 6th Class

Our whole school focus this week is Water Safety. As 5th & 6th missed 
out on their swimming lessons this summer term,  
we feel it is very important to revise rules for water safety. 
I encourage ALL pupils to engage with PAWS lessons and presentations 
which are posted to the main school website page and on this 
weeks Resources Padlet below. 

Please use the link to the following Padlet for Resources to help you: 8th - 12th June Padlet

The following is a link to an Answers Padlet: 

What would normally be your Graduation Week….. 
I have posted some songs
A Reflection I was saving for this week 
Your task for the week:  
Learn and video  yourselves doing
The Flemmings Tic Tok dance (PLEASE!!)
I wish we were in school to do this together, on account of you all being 
So good at the Ceili dancing !!!!!!!!!
We’ll put together a video of any clips you send in.

Mental Maths - continue weekly activities.
Answers as far as Week 40 now available on Answers Padlet 
  • Number sentences/rules - one  worksheet to complete 
  • Coordinates - two worksheets to complete. 
  • 2D Shapes - one worksheet to complete
  • Problem solving questions - one worksheet to complete

Reading: Novel of your choice 20 mins per day.

English in Practice: continue at your own pace through the daily exercises.
Answers up to Day 150 now available on the Answers Padlet. 

Comic Strip : Bush Fire.
Edit the comic strip to make the story more interesting. 
Choose a conclusion for the story and then improve 
the grammar by changing nouns to pronouns, 
by adding adverbs and choosing saying verbs.
Spellings - Week Five
Write a sentence for each spelling.
Give yourself a test on Friday.

Martin Luther King Jr 
As Civil Rights for African Americans is in our news once again, 
it is important to remember Martin Luther King’s peaceful civil 
rights movement in America in the 1960’s.
Read the piece on Martin Luther King 
Think about the questions at the end.
Complete the I have a Dream speech worksheet.
Watch the short video clip.

30 Day Photo Challenge: Keep up this challenge, its history in the making!
For the month of June can you take part in a gratitude challenge. Follow the list and make a file of photos and memories.

Leamh & Ceisteanna 1-6. 

  • Deilfeanna
  • An Fia Rua 

Use your dictionary to translate.

Water Safety Week.
Lessons and presentations for 5th & 6th class available on Padlet and Main school website.

Tuesday, 2 June 2020

Sixth Class Scoil Bhride Message to their teachers

The Best Sixth Class 

Distance Learning 2nd - 5th June

Hello 5th and 6th class!
I hope you all had a lovely weekend in the sunshine.
Thank you for your emails and sending completed work. Its great to hear from you.

Sixth class sent a lovely message over the weekend. I will post it to the school
 blog (once I figure out how to post a video file!!)
The teachers have organised a Sports Week for you this week. 
If possible Please send some photographs or short videos,
which we hope to post on a Sports Day Wall.
This will be the second last Distance Learning Work plan
 try your best to work through the activities.
Remember to read everyday, wear sunscreen and WASH YOUR HANDS.

Distance Learning 2nd - 5th June  2020

5th & 6th Class

Please use the link to the following Padlet for Resources to help you: 

The following is a link to an Answers Padlet: 

Mental Maths - continue weekly activities.
Answers for last week available on Answers Padlet
(fixed issue from last week, hopefully the
answers are showing up correctly)

Maths Activity: 
  1. Maths Challenge online activities : practice multiplication and division facts at level 5 or 6.
  2. STEM challenge using clothes pegs. Try out one or two of the activities.
  3. {Please ask permission before you steal all the pegs for the washing line!!}

  • Lines and angles two worksheets to complete 

  • Lines, angles & triangles
  • Length

Reading: Novel of your choice 20 mins per day.

English in Practice: continue at your own pace through the daily exercises. 
I will update answers on the Padlet for you to check. 

5th Reading Zone Unit 30
Activities A,B,C,D

First Day at School by Roger McGough
Questions 1 - 10

Spellings - Week Four
Write a sentence for each spelling.
Give yourself a test on Friday.

30 Day Photo Challenge: 
For the month of June can you take part in a gratitude challenge.
Follow the list and make a file of photos and memories.

Podcast: this is something different, using oral language and creativity
to compile your own Podcast. The tutorial video is only 13 minutes long. 
Give it a go!!! 

Leamh & Ceisteanna 1-6. 

  • An Ghrian
  • Mo Laentha Saoire 

Use your dictionary to translate.

It’s Sports Week!!! 
Check out the main school website for lots of activities and ideas.
The weather is good so get out and get active! 
Don’t forget the sunscreen.
Please take some photos and videos if you can.